Are you ready to UPLEVEL your LOVE  life with your sweetheart to make it  HOT HOT HOT ?!

Couples are joining us to start

 ROUTINE DATE NIGHTS that are not routine at all

to build more PLAY, stronger LOVE, and deeper INTIMACY!  Are you ready for MORE, too?

Memberships are extremely limited & will sell out quickly.  You'll want to get notified before we post our openings to the public so you don't miss out. Be on our direct event list ! 

   We're launching in the Greater Tampa Area 

December 2023 to start DATE NIGHT EVENTS January 2024!  

After our Date Your Sole Mate events, 

you & your sweetheart GAIN a deeper connection!

Studies show "routine date nights" foster better communication, build attachment, increase appreciation of relationship, decrease stress,  plus increase intimacy, affection, & sex.  Here are the research-based reasons why DATE YOUR SOLE MATE  is important for you to take seriously:

You’ll each be happier & feel like you matter!

When you spend time each week with your sweetheart, you let them know they matter to you and you know they’re prioritizing you, too.   [The effects of this have been measured. With couples who spend date time with their spouse every week, women are 4x happier and men are 2.5x happier than couples who don’t.]

You’ll be divorce-proofing your marriage!

This may seem obvious, but couples who don’t have at least one meaningful connection a week with their mate are more likely to contemplate divorce than those who do.   [Women are 4x more likely to initiate divorce and men are 2.5x more prone to initiate divorce when compared to couples who regularly take time every week to connect.]

Your sex life will be better & more satisfying!

When you make the investment to consistently spend time together every week, you’ll feel closer to your mate and you’ll find them more attractive too.   [This combination makes for great sex! The research shows that sexual satisfaction is 3.3x  greater for men and is 3.5x greater for women simply because of making the commitment to connect with each other every week.]


Now that you KNOW that it is IMPERATIVE to your relationship to DATE YOUR SOLE MATE, which one of you is going to plan the fun, romantic, unique, & memorial dates?  

And which one of you will research & present the best relationship tips?


WE WILL!  We love this stuff! 

Each month there will be a new themed series with something awesome [to learn & apply] to UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE relationship immediately! 

[i.e. fun, flirty,  playful, sexy, romantic, active, humorous, sensual, naughty, natural, and/or adventurous]

The research shows that just going on regular dates WILL improve your relationship.  But why stop there when you can make it EXCEPTIONAL?

Our events all have an EDUCATIONAL element [in regards to better communication & relationships] so you can CONNECT with your partner on a deeper level than you can by doing DATE NIGHTS on your own.  

Plus it's EASIER because we do the planning AND as an extra BONUS, you'll meet other like-minded couples who are there to strengthen their connection.

Here are some examples of Date Your Sole Mate date events!

Seriously, the lists are ENDLESS.  This is just a snippet.



horseback riding


treetop walking

go carts

game park

theme park









theme events






costume events

sex trivia

learning about fantasies/roleplay

learning how to DIRTY TALK ;)

Although we plan day and evening events 

during the week as well as on weekends, 

this is a general outline of an evening event:

6:45 PM
Doors Open 
Registration / Check in

7:00 PM
Relax & Mingle

Cocktails & Appetizers *

Dinner *

Photos **

*unless stated for a specific event, each couple is responsible for their own food and drinks tab 

**each couple will get at least one digital photo of themselves at every event as a keepsake as part of their membership

8:00 PM

Let the FUN, games, and education begin!

HERE is where the MAGIC begins! 

This is what your membership pays for that you just can't do on your own.  It's WORTH it because you connect, learn, and GROW together. Don't you want to fall in love with each other all over again?

Every event has a "MOOD" or multiple MOODS. 

[Event moods range from adventurous to romantic, from sensual to playful, from funny to nostalgic ...and the best ones often have multiple MOODS i.e. playful and active, or romantic and sensual].

Every month also has an educational theme 

[The educational themes revolve around healthier communication & happier relationships.  Because each educational theme lasts all month, couples have time to practice the new skill or idea in their lives and that way they learn it at a deeper level,]

Couple Photos Taken Throughout Event **

10:00 PM
Event Ends

But your evening is still going!  ;)

Stay longer, go dancing, or go out for a nightcap,

. . . then go home and enjoy each other!

Here are some examples of Date Your Sole Mate MOODS!

Every event has a "MOOD" or multiple MOODS.  Event moods range from adventurous to romantic, from sensual to playful, from funny to nostalgic ...and the best ones often have multiple MOODS i.e. playful and active, or romantic and sensual.











Welcome from the Creator of The Love Relationship, LLC 

and the DATE YOUR SOLE MATE  Program


     Hi!  My name is Erica Sandquist. I am absolutely passionate about LOVE, education, self-development, and FUN!  So when I moved to Tampa, I started creating The LOVE Relationshop, LLC to help clients uplevel their skills in co-creating happy, HEALTHY relationships in a fun, meaningful way!  You might recognize me as Tampa Love Muse ... I'm just getting started inspiring everyone to UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE skills, lives. and stories. 

     I have met thousands of broken-hearted divorced singles since becoming a life coach a decade ago and hosting around 100 events for SINGLES in Seattle, Spokane, and Florida. These singles struggle with "relationship hopping" or just "avoiding relationships" due to the pain and confusion of the "dating rollercoaster."  

     I realized that there needs to be FUN, interactive resources for COUPLES  so they are happy to stay married…not getting divorced or just “sticking out a life sentence together"!   [aka marriage]   I believe that staying together in a HAPPY, HEALTHY relationship is far better than divorce and that “doing the work” can be FUN FUN FUN!  Then there won't be as many sad, lonely broken-hearted singles!

     Most couples don't actually BUDGET for dating or improving their relationship even though research shows that by routinely dating your mate, you will have better communication, more appreciation, more intimacy, better sex, more connection, and less stress!  However, couples DO spend lots of time and money on the wedding [rings, dress, food/drinks, venue, entertainment, etc.] and life [i.e. home, vehicles, vacations, clothes, food, entertainment, utilities, etc.].  This is probably why the US has over 50% divorce rate...and substantially higher for 2nd, 3rd, 4th marriages!   

     SO I'M MAKING IT MY MISSION to help couples finally get the support that they so desperately need and want.  Through the  DATE YOUR SOLE MATE program, we host dates for couples to reap the benefits without all the work and stress!  Additionally, all dates have an educational twist that make these events uniquely awesome because you’ll continue connecting with your LOVE on a deeper level than you could on your own! PLUS you'll meet other fun, like-minded couples! 

Despite being Dyslexic, on the Autism spectrum, AND a young single mother waitressing in the 1990s, I earned two college degrees before I turned 30 including a Master's in "Teaching & Learning" while teaching full-time in the inner city.  I spent over TWO DECADES as a teacher in Minnesota & Washington state. In 2012,  I left teaching to become a life and business coach which gave me a plethora of absolutely amazing experiences…including being on the PBS production with a celebrity and flipping houses! 
♡  Now I'm in Florida ready to UPLEVEL my own life and business by helping others.

What Others Are Saying About Erica

What Others Are Saying about Erica's Events!

Here are a few examples of the SEXY, fun & unique 

DATE NIGHTS events we've created for couples:

Let’s Talk About Sex [Trivia], Baby!

How much do you know about sex, relationships, dating, marriage, & more?!?  In this interactive, fast-paced, sexy TRIVIA  game about the BIRDS & THE BEES, you’ll learn, laugh, and have fun!  Go with  just your sweetheart or invite another couple for your team!  You can't lose with this game and you might even win great prizes!

Talk Dirty to Me!

Have you ever tried dirty talk but you just felt all awkward? Maybe it sounded ridiculous …so you gave it up?  Or maybe it's just too intimidating to even try?  

Then join us to learn how to "dirty talk" to your sweetheart…and practice whispering sweet SOMETHINGS in their ears!  In this sexy, interactive activity, you’ll listen, learn, and laugh! We’ll make it fun, easy, and hilarious as you learn to take any sentence and make it sound NAUGHTY… plus you’ll reap the benefits for years to come... starting immediately! 

"Would You Ever...XXX?" Fifty Shades of "Yes"!

Have you ever wanted to SPICE up your love life with things like role play, light bondage, and/or toys ... but didn't know where to start or even how to broach the subject?  Now you can easily just play along as you whisper in your partner's ear YES, NO, or MAYBE to "Would you ever...XXX" questions!   This date might just make us all BLUSH but you have to start somewhere...especially if you want to be together for many more years.  Don't worry!  It'll be fun, flirty and fabulous.  We'll make it even more informative with a guest speaker, products on hand, and some great prizes!

UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE life to HOT HOT HOT and to have more FUN with your partner every week!